May 10, 2010

@7:56 (5/7)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

more on the ongoing facebook privacy debate/debacle. a really good read.

one of the best commercials i've ever seen.

a site that aggregates and trends what's big on facebook, twitter, digg, and myspace.

this guy signed up for voyurl. digging the animated burger gif.

@7:00 (5/3)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

extremely high-res panorama of dubai.

a great slip-up from a local news anchor.. on air. "soy-gism"... really?

the devolution of facebook's privacy policy, in chronological order.

spokeo: find out everything that's out there about you.

@7:26 (4/29)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

a social recommendation engine from DC. all about local stuff to do.

vivaldi. look into him.

steve jobs' thoughts on flash. uh oh.

apple to charge a lot of money for the privilege to run an iAd.

some research for a 'drinking app': drinkbuddy and drinking diary and coffee sneak.

@8:15 (4/28)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

dowser: dedicated to stories of change.

one shop turns into two: 1 and 2

haven't had the guts to install this one yet.

turning objects into interactive media.

incentivizing social media participation.

youtube gets into the movie rentals game.

some 'new' geolocation trends from mashable.

incredible super slo-mo saturn v rocket launch.

the data driven life and self measurement. something i'm getting into with voyurl.

turn youtube clips into an audio mixtape.

these are the folks who made that youtube mixtape service.

May 09, 2010

@10:28 (4/27)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

the new sports issue from jacques. god i love this.

a cool projection project: acdc v ironman2.

handmade, wood hard drive enclosures.

my friend's new series on MTV.

the best pup in the world: griffin.

hugh heffner saves the hollywood sign.

sources of insight: 25 lessons learned from seth godin.

a paypal killer? could be since paypal's old CTO just jumped on board with $15 Million in cash.

please get me this car.

here is that car destroying the nurburgring.

@8:40 (4/26)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

some cool photography from cedric delsaux.

and his website.

it's trending dot com. the most shared stuff on facebook.

the iAd from apple. oh no.

i like this: a senator is asking the FTC to look into facebook's privacy practices.

up there.

my friend paymon on his birthday breaking the world database record for most simultaneous kisses.

the collective intelligence genome.

some shizz from the facebook blog.

levi's taking advantage of the new universal like button from facebook.

personal informatics. a site dedicated to tools for data visualization as it relates to you.

police seize jason chen's computers after gizmodo publishes an article about apple's upcoming iPhone 4G.

and a joke about this whole fiasco.

what the fuck should i make for dinner dot com.

gliider: a new way to think about planning travel.

@5:42 (4/23)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

why the future of the web is sharing.... which is why i'm building voyurl.

and what happens when a service doesn't take the premise of sharing seriously.

some more on that.

and the search that reveals CC #'s from blippy.

this man has a giant chin. he claims it's all the result of a zit.

a nice set of 404 error pages.

some good firefox research projects

why facebook's new data policies could be a reason to delete your profile.

if illustrators designed football shirts (from anomaly).

facebook's open graph

the wasted dude at coachella.

@7:59 ( 4/22)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

some crazy shit you can do with html5. no plugin needed.

some schumann to get your smarts on.

the folks at berg never disappoint. smart people over there.

here comes the facebook privacy/creepiness rampage. (you need to be signed in to see this)

zuckerberg proclaiming that facebook should be the default of the social web.

overcoming creative block.

apples top 10 U.S. markets.

i am not an artist dot com.

winscape. an interesting new in-home thing-a-ma-jig.

what the fuck is going on here?!

something a bit similar to voyurl? sort of?

raise some money for the uzical! beeg up.

@7:38 (4/16)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

a jacket i was looking at but certainly don't need.

my buddy, john fischer, got profiled on the converse blog. go big feesha!

the tweet o meeter.

some fan forced himself to vomit on another person in a new form of rivalry-harassment.

need to know what time it is somewhere else? this is the best tool ever.

classic bikes. expensive.

more expensive classically styled bikes.

on gaga.

a few of my friends are featured in this vid about an ad agency's employees and their tattoos.

yahoo tries to nab foursquare for $125 Million in cash. what would you do?

a really cool restaurant/dining experience in manhattan.

scaling twitter using cassandraDB. enthralling, but necessary.

April 27, 2010

@6:35 (4/15)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same. 

check it out and sign up.

a creative's site. nice.

rcrdlbl's featured coachella playlist.

voyurl got picked up by mr. youth's blog. nice.

the most awesome thing ever. hmmm.

some high school kid's way to ask a girl to prom.

the garden of cosmic speculation. wow.

apple removed the scratchpad app from the ipad app store. WTF?!

the designing for ipad reality check.

and interesting case study for an israeli comedy sketch show.

hmm. this girl went to college with me. albeit she was much younger.

one of the better craigslist finds i've seen.

the nbc brass tries to edit out slash's "i'm with coco" pin during his performance on leno. ha!

fonk to the future. bam!