this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.
sign up for it here.
some cool photography from cedric delsaux.
and his website.
it's trending dot com. the most shared stuff on facebook.
the iAd from apple. oh no.
i like this: a senator is asking the FTC to look into facebook's privacy practices.
up there.
my friend paymon on his birthday breaking the world database record for most simultaneous kisses.
the collective intelligence genome.
some shizz from the facebook blog.
levi's taking advantage of the new universal like button from facebook.
personal informatics. a site dedicated to tools for data visualization as it relates to you.
police seize jason chen's computers after gizmodo publishes an article about apple's upcoming iPhone 4G.
and a joke about this whole fiasco.
what the fuck should i make for dinner dot com.
gliider: a new way to think about planning travel.
Other Peoples' OpenTabs