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7 posts from August 2009

August 27, 2009


remember dick tracy the movie? remember that phone watch he had? try this.

the conficker virus and a "digital zoo."

the tyranny of the cpm. yes and no.

to tweet or not to tweet. that is the question.

and then something changed.

a user generated augmented reality browser for android. could be trouble.

eye writer. beyond inspirational.

data vis finds a purpose... hmm.

a response to that data vis article from @farisyakob. (full disclosure: link to pdf download)

terms and conditions. doing a little research.

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August 26, 2009


who's driving twitter usage. my good friend @christinehuang as some things to say about this.

speaking of, here's her post on it.

why adults have fueled twitter's growth.

like i said, read everything this man has to write. this time: district 9 and transmedia.

some thoughts on augmented reality, aka the future.

naughty standard hotel. who knew? (we all did.)

it's not twitter; it's woofer.

a nice little webdev/design tool.

hilarious: slutty wifi access points.

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@6:41 (8/25)

love this site.

a microsoft-ee kept tabs on his data since 2001. and this is the result.

good thought. but poor execution?

seriously. watch this. incredible.

why you should be paying attention to clickstreams. (if you know me, you know this.)

awesome bridal registry story. only in silicon valley.

seƱor matt spangler.

there goes the neighborhood. now ashton kutcher is on foursquare.

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@7:17 (8/24)

an eye opening look at healthcare in the u.s. from bill moyer.

good morning. wake-up tweets around the world.

great data vis on the history of vanity url pricing.

read everything this man has to say. this time, he's talking twitter.

you've likely seen it. a manifesto for slow communication.

radiohead. a case study on anti-label music success. while you're at it, might as well google trent reznor; he's killing it too.

gravity's rainbow. wikipedia on pynchon.

how a 'made' start-up got clipped. the sad story surrounding ilike.

a project i worked on that got picked up by one of my favorite sites.

what do you do when you're a rapper. and you're pushing 40 years old.

sentiment analysis... the new data to mine. well, not so new.

we're on the jay chiat planning awards shortlist... TWICE!

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August 24, 2009


a visual mixtape.

some cool district 9 promo.

anyone seen something like this before? anyone seen it work?

go figure: businessweek got on the data vis bandwagon.

great song by d'angelo. great lyrics.

ad networks might not be all that good.

can of digital spray paint.

my birthday isn't for a bit. but you can buy me this.

smartest thing on the internet in a while. hand down.

a report on account/strategic/comms planning. i'll let you editorialize the comments in your own head.

guernica. in 3d.

flock. the social browser. tried it, the dropped it.

how does the web feel?

search less, understand more. hmmmmm. not convinced just yet.

twendz. twitter trends. again.

super expensive, super awesome products. curated for your ability to never buy them.

August 12, 2009


the recording of a pretty funny phone call between an organizer of the idiotarod (not misspelled) and a converse marketing person. one of our campaigns from a while ago gets namechecked.

god i want to buy this and disappear.

so then i can take tons of pics and do this for my wallpaper.

ack! robots!

sounds easier than it is.

what consumes you?

talent imitate, genius steals. i take hostages.

julia roy. she's well known on the web. i don't know her.

this guy's fairly well-known online too.

find the films you want to watch.

the music industry ruined the music industry.

i see a partnership pattern here.

i will go here. and then pretend to fight battles with soda cans as grenades and sticks as guns. and make sounds like "pew pew pew."

web marketing stats. conversion rates.

web marketing stats. conversion rates. again.

web marketing stats. conversion rates. a third time for good measure.

web marketing stats. click through rates.

shift happens.

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August 11, 2009


still trying to figure out what the point of this is. may have figured it out. maybe.

digital dating... and buffoonery.

the internet at sort-of-40.

the new search war.

magma. this has the potential to be very useful.

want this. WANT IT.

social itunes? i'll believe it when i see it.

fucking awesome. the uganda skateboard union.

how to register a trademark.

and the mess of actually doing it.

super useful tutorial on migrating hosting email to google apps email. thanks bluehost.

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