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14 posts from October 2009

October 30, 2009

@5:49 (10/29)

the potential of mobile + the cloud. ooooh.

flavors.me... welcome to my flavors. good concept, needs a little more flexibility.

let's start planning around a broader definition of interactivity.

an aside on planning: let's stop stalling on doing shit by coming up with ridiculous things called "planning insights" and actually execute our ideas instead of hiding behind papers/articles/posts to disguise the fact that you're nervous you could be wrong and the strategy could fail. there, i said it.

AMAZING piece of video art. mesmerized.

mp3 search for entire internets. wurd.

cat ladies: a documentary. HOLY SHIT.

@7:25 (10/28)

i'm in maison martin margiela... love this brand/label.

google changing the gps biz... for realz.

some cool art with lights and moving pieces.

a music video from within vagina... it's all figurative, sort of.

swinging for the fences. a good post from a v.c.

the fun theory. so to true.

social search from google.

hylozoic. an interesting book. 

this bike is BAD ASS.

fuck the american mustache institute. there, i said it.

the funniest 15 minutes you've spent online... thanks to artie lange and olivia munn.

October 23, 2009


ZOMG!!!! don'tclickit!!!

it's getting to the point where i think i could use one of these.

no homo. hilarious.

don't ask anyone anything.

@8:00 (10/22)

how pandora is so good at choosing that next song for you.

i want this animated electronic zombie head.

poor dustin. denied healthcare because he once may have experienced hearburn. dare i say it? burned.

utah's got a 4 day work week. i want one of those.

this robot will be my special friend. and i will name him terminator.

aerial bowfishing mutherfucker!

under pressure.

google chrome's artist themes.

pretty nice piece from a friend of mine on the new york city ballet's costume makers.


@7:06 (10/21)

socially moderated search from wowd.

stages, from livestrong. love this stuff. have been loving it for some time now.

finance meets list culture meets the philantrophy. the Goodness500.

mo money mo problems... as data vis art. i hope to get so rich and have so many problems that i can buy this.

coca cola... doing some digital shiz. and introducing me to some annoyingly over sugary people.

amazing art with costumes from the new york city opera. 

apathy vs altruism.

gimicky.. but original. a new way to preview an album before it releases.

beautiful water photography on flickr.

everybody's getting in bed with twitter and facebook.

October 19, 2009


a wording experiment that drastically influenced conversion rates. pretty cool.

some good google wave shortcuts and how-to's for those with an account.

and google wave potentially going mobile, and mac?

some interesting thoughts from neil perkin

the hierarchy of differences.

a short video that i'll have to watch later tonight: the prospector

and another one that i'll have to watch later as well: yellow cake.

these space maps from national geographic have been making the rounds on the 'nets.

haven't really dived into this site, just like the design. would love to make opentabs similar to this.

curated shopping site. like ffffound.com but replace awesome art with awesome objects.

typographical art made from lost shopping lists: shopping losts.

check out my converse.

mozilla weave. some crazy stuff you can do on the web with your data. worth checking out.

@4:17 (10/15)

in b flat. a cool collab music project via youtube. been trying to do something similar for a while now.

a cool site following a band on a road trip.

smart video tutorials from smart people all brought to you by a smart person: joshua harris

an easy way to centralize the broadcast of your crazy social medias.

autotune the news. volume 9.

the awesomely smart fellas from BERG with nearness and ghost in the field.

October 13, 2009


facebook and twitter flatten out.

is email dead? i think not.

i want one of these for every city i've ever lived in.

fat kids falling dot com. nuff said.

empire state of mind.. via google maps. ha.

cool site and cool letter from mick jagger to andy warhol about the sticky fingers album art.

long video. painful voice over. but, in the end, an interesting thought.

@6:06 (10/12)

loving this. but it can still be better. more optimized.

the gross national happiness index, brought to you by facebook semantic analysis of status updates.

and an nyt article about it.

also fascinated with the motivation of this artist's exhibition of dog photography.

good art site: vvork.

BLU just keeps killing it.

good typography site to check out... if you're in to that sorta thing.

a museum of automobile typography. nice.

architecture blog.

sell the vatican. get all the pussy. sarah silverman shits you not.

play with this. interesting.


great project to make throwing things out.. more fun. and it works.

a bullet, in slo-mo. 1 million frames per second. physics porn.

cool animation technique.

cool site design/layout. wish i could do that here.

October 12, 2009

@4:56 (10/9)

obama wins the nobel peace prize. and i win an oscar for that movie i may or may not act in at some point in the future.

coupon ninja. spend $5 for almost $92 in merchandise. killer.

everything in the netherlands is cooler.

youtube. bigger than you think? (who ever thought it was small?)