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January 27, 2010

@6:07 (1/26)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same. check it out and sign up.

so why don't you just let me be a concubine. duh.

five ways social media sabotages relationships

a potential developer i'm trying to meet with.

augmented reality adidas shoes. still... i'm left asking, to what end?

a good interview with fred wilson

you'd be "spaghettified" if you were to fall into a black hole. sounds great.

this is exactly the type of thing i'm building voyurl to combat.

getting past viral.

some weird twitter visualizer. not that useful, but fun to play with.

how ddb handled avis. and damn is that spot on advice.

another team of developers i'm considering for voyurl.

can anyone explain what's going on with this fever ray stunt?

a piece from faris yakob about viral marketing.

this service will search a whole bunch of social media networks for what you're looking for.

how can you not love this puppy?

the maturation of social media ROI.


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