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April 27, 2010

@7:00 (4/12)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same. 

check it out and sign up.

twitter is about to create and retake its own ecosystem. shit.

tweetup... pay to get your tweets to the top of the list.

some really big content delivery network.

answerbag. interesting concept.

a fella i'm working with helped get this label off the ground. apparently, it won some serious awards.

and the label's site. sikiim.

lots of tension between twitter and developers. uh oh.

cool to take a peek into steve jobs' replies to consumers questions/etc.

conan o'brien is moving to TBS? WTF?!

business plan versus business model. which is more important? interesting point of view here.

looking for the funkadelic's missing mothership.


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