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April 27, 2010

@6:35 (4/15)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same. 

check it out and sign up.

a creative's site. nice.

rcrdlbl's featured coachella playlist.

voyurl got picked up by mr. youth's blog. nice.

the most awesome thing ever. hmmm.

some high school kid's way to ask a girl to prom.

the garden of cosmic speculation. wow.

apple removed the scratchpad app from the ipad app store. WTF?!

the designing for ipad reality check.

and interesting case study for an israeli comedy sketch show.

hmm. this girl went to college with me. albeit she was much younger.

one of the better craigslist finds i've seen.

the nbc brass tries to edit out slash's "i'm with coco" pin during his performance on leno. ha!

fonk to the future. bam!


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