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May 09, 2010

@7:59 ( 4/22)

this is a collection of things that i look at online. i'm building a service that will let everyone do the same.

sign up for it here.

some crazy shit you can do with html5. no plugin needed.

some schumann to get your smarts on.

the folks at berg never disappoint. smart people over there.

here comes the facebook privacy/creepiness rampage. (you need to be signed in to see this)

zuckerberg proclaiming that facebook should be the default of the social web.

overcoming creative block.

apples top 10 U.S. markets.

i am not an artist dot com.

winscape. an interesting new in-home thing-a-ma-jig.

what the fuck is going on here?!

something a bit similar to voyurl? sort of?

raise some money for the uzical! beeg up.


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